Living Original

2015-05-10 15.03.35

2015-05-10 15.01.06

I have been contemplating on what direction I wanted to take my blog. I enjoy writing about new articles of clothing. I enjoy sharing new make up products I have tried and fell in love with. I will still write about those things, however, I want to take the blog to a whole new level. I want the blog to serve a purpose. I want to reach out to others and encourage them to live original and be the best/beautiful you. Being the best/beautiful you does not mean you need to purchase the newest trend of clothing or try the new contouring make up trick. Being the best/beautiful you is about living original. I want us to be able to look into ourselves and find our unique talents, skills, and what truly makes us happy. Many times we deal with the struggle of managing weight, styling our hair, and lacking self confidence. I want this blog to encourage others to be a positive example. I want others to help motivate each other and be that striving force to excel. This blog is going to contain scriptures, motivational stories and quotes. It will also contain beauty tricks to make life simpler, and clothing styles to spark up an idea of what you may already have in your closet but haven’t worn in a while. I hope you all enjoy the content to come. Have a blessed day.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6